Chesham (Head Office)
01494 794477
- chesham@windowfilm.co.uk
020 3326 1718
- london@windowfilm.co.uk
0121 270 2250
- birmingham@windowfilm.co.uk
One of our favourites in recent weeks has been the print and installation of two brightly coloured yet ornate looking frames, shown in situ in the picture on the right. The job was for another company famed for its forward thinking and bright ideas – Google.
The two large frames were printed on to high-tack vinyl, a film that provides vivid results when printed on whist also being very adhesive, making it suitable for application to a number of surfaces. On this occasion the frames have been used to surround a part of the wall covered with a product called ideapaint, a specially formulated paint that transforms the wall into a whiteboard, allowing the user to write on the surface with marker pens, then simply wipe it off again.
By using our state of the art, wide format printers we are able to produce high quality graphics and images on a wide range of films, so if you have a fabulous idea for your workspace or home, let us know and together we’ll make it a reality.
* Front Door Window Film
* How To Frost Windows
* Stick On Window Films
* High Quality Window Films
* Window Tinting for the Home
* Conservatory Roof Films
* Window Protection Films
* Window Foils & Glass Films
* Window Film to Block Sunlight
* High Performance Window Films
* Window Film to Block the View
* Translucent Window Films
* Bathroom Window Film
* Kitchen Window Film
* Obscure Glass Window Film