Getting to Grips With Glare, All Year Round

Glare reduction glass films and anti glare window films from The Window Film Company

Being blunt, windows can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they provide a view to the outside and act as an excellent source of valuable natural light. They can also look good, too. On the other hand, buildings with large numbers of windows can suffer from excess heat, are susceptible to damage and let’s not forget they also need cleaning. They can also result in frustrating year-round issues such as glare.

Glare can be a serious issue. In offices it can make it hard or uncomfortable to focus on screens or colleagues, in retail premises it can lead to an unpleasant experience for employees and visitors, while in homes it can take the joy out of reading or watching the TV.

Glare isn’t just a problem during the summer months. While sunlight is usually at its brightest when the temperatures are highest, the lower lying nature of the un for the rest of the year can mean sunlight passes through untreated glass at an awkward angle, making it just as much of an issue. An application of glare reduction window film will help.

Once applied, window film will serve to filter out the harshest of the sunlight, helping to deliver a more comfortable and enjoyable internal environment, whatever the nature of the premises. The appearance of the film and subsequent look of the glass will depend on the window film chosen – there are a number of options available, but if you’re after a layman’s description of the effect anti-glare window film will have, imagine placing a pair of light sunglasses on your windows and you won’t be far off!

The film has been specially developed too ensure that the maximum of glare reduction is achieved with the minimum disruption to the view from the inside out and without sacrificing high levels of natural light.

An application of glare reduction film will also deliver a number of other benefits. The majority of films in this range will also block up to 99% of UV rays – one of the primary causes of fading. Often going un-noticed until it is too late, fading can cause serious damage to flooring and furnishings, and is caused by a combination of heat, light and UV rays. UV rays are the single biggest contributing factor, so by eliminating the majority of them, an application of glare reduction window film from The Window Film Company will help to slow down the process.

For more information on the range of options when it comes to glare reduction films, to arrange a quote or to request samples, please contact a member of the team by calling 01494 794477 or email