Chesham (Head Office)
01494 794477
- chesham@windowfilm.co.uk
020 3326 1718
- london@windowfilm.co.uk
0121 270 2250
- birmingham@windowfilm.co.uk
The Window Film Company has completed an eye-catching one-way privacy solution, using patented Contra Vision window film technology.
Hydropac are a hugely successful firm based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Having moved into new premises they required manifestation markings for glass partitions as well as a large scale, custom created one-way privacy solution.
Manifestation markings were required for glass partitions and full length glass doors on the first floor of the premises. Manifestation is required to ensure glass is easily visible, in turn serving to help protect against injuries. Manifestation markings are required as part of the UK building regulations, and this part of the project was fulfilled by using cut Frostbrite frosted window film.
The main part of the project however was the requirement for a privacy solution on the ground floor. Part of the ground floor was made up of a laboratory, used for important research and development and a window film was required that would block the view from the outside in, while still allowing for those inside that part of the building to see out. Due to the prominent location of the glass, it was decided that any window film solution should also feature large scale graphics, delivering a stylish, professional looking display as well as the necessary privacy.
To achieve both privacy and the external facing full colour display, The Window Film Company used Contra Vision window film; a specialist product that uses perforations in the film to provide custom created one-way privacy.
The external face of the film begins life with a white surface, onto which it is possible to print in full colour, creating a bespoke display. The other side of the film remains untouched, with the internal facing side of the film black in colour. When in place however, the human eye is drawn to the holes in the film, with the thousands of perforations combining to provide a view from the inside out.
The team at Hydropac were able to provide high resolution graphics and exact measurements, allowing The Window Film Company’s print and graphics team to create each panel using state of the art print technology, with each section being precision cut by computer cutting equipment. As with each graphics project, every panel was then checked by hand before being installed by a team of The Window Film Company’s fully qualified and vastly experienced fitters.
The end result was a functional and aesthetically striking solution. On the first floor, manifestation requirements were met while also adding a subtle element of branding to glass, while on the ground floor, one -way privacy was established for the windows of the sensitive laboratory area, creating an impressive, eye-catching and professional looking display that greets visitors to the premises, while also providing the necessary privacy for those working inside.
Project Summary
* Front Door Window Film
* How To Frost Windows
* Stick On Window Films
* High Quality Window Films
* Window Tinting for the Home
* Conservatory Roof Films
* Window Protection Films
* Window Foils & Glass Films
* Window Film to Block Sunlight
* High Performance Window Films
* Window Film to Block the View
* Translucent Window Films
* Bathroom Window Film
* Kitchen Window Film
* Obscure Glass Window Film