Jul 15 2022

Summer houses and garden rooms have continued to see an increase in popularity, with people keen to make the most of the space they have at home. In turn, here at The Window Film Company we’ve seen more and more requests for window film that can help keep these buildings cooler during warm spells of weather.

The Window Film Company offers a range of solar control window films that are perfect for use in garden rooms and summer houses (the same applies for conservatories – specialist window film is available for roofs that are glass or polycarbonate) with a host of different options delivering a number of benefits.

Will solar control film for my garden room make it dark or cold?

No. heat reduction window film from The Window Film Company is designed to reduce excess heat, bouncing away a percentage of the sun’s energy before it can pass through glass and add to the internal temperature. While the film will add a filter to your glass (imagine a very light pair of sunglasses for your windows) it will protect against excess heat without sacrificing high levels of natural light. If it’s a bright day outside, you’ll be enjoying a bright day inside your garden room, too.

Will I still be able to see out of my garden room?

During daylight hours, you’ll still be able to see out. Heat reduction window film takes on a reflective external appearance during the day; it’s this mirrored effect that delivers the heat reduction – the reflective appearance serving to bounce away a percentage of the sun’s solar energy before it can pass through the glass. While the external side of the glass appears mirrored, you will be able to see out.

Can I install window film to my garden room myself?

Yes! Our solar control window film is straightforward to fit, with each order supplied with step-by-step fitting instructions. You can also checkout our video fitting guide here. If you’d prefer The Window Film Company to install the film for you, please give us a call on 01494 794477 and we can provide a quote for an installation by one of our fully qualified and vastly experienced fitting teams.

What else do I need to know about solar control film for my garden room?

We’ve established that heat reduction window film from The Window Film Company won’t make your garden room or summer house cold, it won’t block the view during daylight hours, it won’t sacrifice high levels of natural light and it can be purchased for a straightforward DIY installation. Did you also know that once the film is in place it will also deliver excellent levels of glare reduction?

Glare can be a year round problem, and occurs when sunlight passes through the glass at an awkward angle, making it difficult to comfortably focus on screens, paperwork or even each other. An application of solar control will filter out the harshest of the sunlight, cutting down on glare and making for a more comfortable internal environment.

Solar control window film from The Window Film Company will also block up to 99% of the sun’s potentially harmful UV rays. This is notable as UV light is the single biggest contributing factor to fading, meaning that as well as reducing excess heat and glare, an application of solar control window film can help slow down the fading process, reducing the potential for associated damage.

For more information about any of the solar control window films from The Window Film Company, please contact a member of the team by calling 01494 794477 or email