Mar 12 2021

Adding graphics to a shopfront or office frontage is a highly effective, professional and eye-catching way of raising awareness and marketing a business. Since being founded in 1998, The Window Film Company has been helping businesses get noticed with custom created printed graphics for glass, with this project featuring two sets of graphics; one temporary and one permanent.

As part of a complete office refurbishment in Surrey, the Window Film was engaged on two separate occasions to create and install bespoke graphics to the windows at the front of the property. The first installation was to deliver privacy while works were undertaken inside the property.

The solution for this part of the project was to print custom created graphics onto a long lasting and durable vinyl, that was then applied to the outside of the glass. The striking graphics drew attention to the premises and the business that was to be situated there, while still preventing passers by from seeing through the glass while refurbishment works took place. (You can read more about this part of the project here)

With the internal fit out work nearing completion, a second set of graphics were required, this time taking the form of a permanent display, featuring the company branding across two large panes and the front door.

The graphics were supplied by the client, allowing The Window Film Company’s in-house print and graphics team to create an initial proof for approval, before commencing creation of the graphics – made by printing in white onto Frostbrite frosted film, before being computer cut. The result of this technique is a striking, vibrant and professional look, with each intricate element perfectly reproduced and carefully installed by a team of The Window Film Company’s fully qualified and vastly experienced fitters.

For more information on how The Window Film Company can deliver stylish, eye-catching graphics for your glass and other surfaces, please get in touch with a member of our friendly team by calling 01494 794477 or email