Apr 18 2019

Reducing glare in the office with reflective window film

Glare can cause significant problems all year round. Caused by sunlight streaming through untreated glazing, bright light can make it difficult or uncomfortable to focus on work, screens or colleagues, affecting productivity and morale.

Depending on the location and positioning of glazing, glare can be more of an issue at different stages of the of year or at differing times of day, while in some instances only a specific number of panes within a bank of windows will contribute to glare. As illustrated by this installation project, specialist glare reduction window film from The Window Film Company is the ideal solution.

One of the benefits of window film is that it can easily be retro-fitted to existing glass, meaning that if glare is an issue, it can be targeted and remedied, with film applied to the affected areas.

The Window Film Company was contacted by a Hertfordshire school where glare was a serious year-round problem in a particular part of the building. The excess bright light and angle of the glare made for an uncomfortable internal environment; one that wasn’t conducive to either teaching or learning. It had been concluded that two rows of window panes were causing the issue; a total of 84 panels along the top two rows or a large run of glazing. With the issue and location identified, a solution was sought.

With a full understanding of the issue, a dedicated Account Manager at The Window Film Company was able to recommend High Reflective Silver window film as the most effective and appropriate solution. An effective solar control window film, this product also serves to filter out the harshest of the sunlight, reducing glare by up to 81%.

The film is designed for application to the internal face of the glass and once applied, gives the external side of the glass a sleek and stylish mirrored effect. While this appearance will block the view from the outside in during daylight hours, it will allow for vision out and won’t result in the sacrificing of high levels natural light, instead serving to filter out the harshest light. This combination of factors combines to ensure a comfortable and welcoming internal environment, one that is free of continual glare.

The film was installed by a team of The Window Film Company’s fully qualified and experienced fitters, with the work carried out during a period of school holidays to ensure there was no disruption to pupils. With the work completed, the top two rows of glazing were updated to feature a stylish silver appearance, with glare dramatically reduced without sacrificing the view or valuable natural light.

For more information on how window film from The Window Film Company can help reduce glare and deliver a whole host of other benefits, please contact a member of the team by calling 01494 794477 or email info@windowfilm.co.uk.