Jan 31 2014

The beauty of the products offered by The Window Film Company is that with a bit of imagination, they can be used to create memorable features from ordinarily mundane surfaces. An excellent illustration of what can be achieved was completed at Kingston University, where a bank of storage lockers was transformed to display the periodic table.

Situated in the Science faculty of the Surrey based University, a solution was sought for creating an appropriate display of the lockers used by the students. The regular shape of the lockers already provided the appearance of a grid, so it was decided to utilise their natural form to create one of the most important scientific resources; the periodic table.

The Window Film Company was approached to provide a solution for recreating the elements on each locker door, with a number of intricate components making up each design. It was agreed that a solid colour vinyl would be used to create each part of the design, with each locker door to contain a series of letters and numbers of varying sizes.

All graphics jobs are subject to a proofing process, and once the design, exact sizes and colours were approved, production commenced. To ensure a perfect finish, each letter and number was computer cut, before being weeded by hand. The combination of computer precision and hand finishing meant that every single digit and letter was absolutely perfect and ready for installation.

The fitting was carried out by one of The Window Film Company’s specialist installation teams, whose experience and attention to detail allowed them to provide an impeccable finish.

The completed job instantly transformed what would otherwise been a dull and uninspiring surface into an eye-catching feature, serving to help improve the atmosphere and feel to the area.

A simple idea can so often completely alter the way rooms and entire buildings look and feel, and in delivering on your ideas using high quality products, equipment and talented dedicated staff, The Window Film Company are able to deliver.

Our in-house graphics and print team allow us to help you with the design process, whilst also promising and delivering the highest quality print and finish. With teams of professional installers operating throughout the Country, we are in the perfect position to bring your ideas and designs to life.

As you can see from the periodic table we installed here, when dealing with graphics we really are in our element, so for more details on how we can help with your graphics and print requirements, please call 01494 794477.