Chesham (Head Office)
01494 794477
- chesham@windowfilm.co.uk
020 3326 1718
- london@windowfilm.co.uk
0121 270 2250
- birmingham@windowfilm.co.uk
Rainbow window film is transparent once applied to the glass, so that it still allows vision through from one area to another. There is a standard range of 20 different colours to choose from.
This project in Birmingham wanted privacy as well. Therefore, we recommended a plain Frostbrite® manifestation band running through the middle of the glass partition. The frosted film obscures the view but it still looks like part of the glass as it enhances the colour of the Rainbow film.
Please view our glass decoration section on this website where you can read more about this type of window film. Please then call us on 01494 794477 for a quote.
* Front Door Window Film
* How To Frost Windows
* Stick On Window Films
* High Quality Window Films
* Window Tinting for the Home
* Conservatory Roof Films
* Window Protection Films
* Window Foils & Glass Films
* Window Film to Block Sunlight
* High Performance Window Films
* Window Film to Block the View
* Translucent Window Films
* Bathroom Window Film
* Kitchen Window Film
* Obscure Glass Window Film