Chesham (Head Office)
01494 794477
- chesham@windowfilm.co.uk
020 3326 1718
- london@windowfilm.co.uk
0121 270 2250
- birmingham@windowfilm.co.uk
White print on frost is a stylish and contemporary way of transforming your glass. With an easy to follow installation process, this range of frosted film is the ideal choice for privacy or decorative purposes.
This design features an attractive, elegant pattern in the centre of the panel. Printed in perfect detail in perfect white ink, the design provides an added element to your frosted film.
The design will be scaled by our in-house graphics team to best fit the window sizes you provide.
Frostbrite film provides your glazing with the classic appearance of acid-etched glass, preventing vision from both sides of the glass, whilst allowing good levels of natural light to pass through. The design is printed in vibrant white ink and will be visible both internally and externally.
We recommend that film is fitted to the inside of your glazing and once applied does not require any special treatment. For information about our delivery service and video fitting instructions, please click on the relevant tab below. We endeavour to send all orders as soon as possible, but if there is a change in the delivery date a member of the team will contact you directly.
This pattern is also available as a cut frosted design. To see this version, please click here.
Video fitting instructions are available to view at the bottom of the page whilst written fitting instructions are available to download and print here. (PDF document)
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